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What is industrial X-ray? Basic knowledge of x-ray inspection

Release time:2020-08-05 15:24:46  Views: 494

X-ray detection equipment refers to equipment that uses x-ray tubes to generate x-rays and uses x-ray detectors to image and analyze the images. The core of x-ray inspection equipment is x-ray tube and x-ray detector.

X-ray inspection is one of the important methods of conventional non-destructive inspection, which is widely used in aviation, aerospace, nuclear power, national defense, medical and other industrial sectors. It has played an important role in industrial production and the national economy.

At present, in real life, the imaging quality of X-ray film photography is relatively high, and it can accurately provide reliable information about the true situation of the defect of the tested piece.

X-ray equipment is divided into 2d and 2d. 2d equipment can only generate two-dimensional images in a specified direction, while 3d equipment can generate a three-dimensional model of the entire object.

Principles and characteristics of x-ray formation

X-rays are respectively bremsstrahlung and characteristic radiation, which are caused by different firing principles. Bremsstrahlung refers to the radiation produced by the sudden deceleration of high-speed electrons. When charged particles are decelerated by the Coulomb field, the lost kinetic energy will be converted into photons emitted, which is the continuous spectrum produced by bremsstrahlung.

By increasing the accelerating voltage, the characteristic radiation increases the energy carried by the electrons, and it is possible to knock out the inner electrons of the metal atoms. As a result, holes are formed in the inner layer, and the outer layer electrons transition back to the inner layer to fill the holes, and at the same time release photons with a wavelength of about 0.1 nanometers. Since the energy emitted by the outer electron transition is quantized, the wavelength of the emitted photons is also concentrated in some parts, forming a characteristic line in the x spectrum, which becomes the characteristic radiation.